

Congrats on grabbing the app! We will see you on the inside shortly.

If you still want to maximize your health efforts, but not yet ready to commit to a one-on-one meeting with Elena – our Master Health & Life Coach, so she can personalize YOUR SUCCESS PLAN and find every possible root cause of your symptoms

You can still take advantage of meeting one of our 360° Coaches, for a fraction of the price, so they can customize your dietary plan, and help you set achievable, actionable goals you can get started on immediately to make the body and health of your dreams a PERMANENT REALITY!

Since you are now a 360° App Member, we will even throw in a HUGE savings of over 50%, so that you do not waste another moment feeling stuck, while trying to DIY your health.

Here’s how it works:

When I found Elena I was on five prescription medications and seven supplements trying to manage my symptoms. Things were so bad, I barely had the energy to play with my son or read him a bedtime story.

Only 8 weeks into my working with Elena, I lost weight that’s been hanging on for years, my sleep improved – I no longer needed naps to keep up with my son. My endometrial growth, which was the size of a grapefruit, was gone, I was off 4 medications and 7 supplements, and on my way to being medication-free completely.


I spent half of my life suffering from PCOS, HYPOTHYROIDISM, AND PRE-DIABETES.

Doctors. Medications. Supplements. Diets. I tried it all, yet no success…

As a health professional myself, I began to think that maybe that’s it – I have to live with the health I have. But I did not want it to be true.

Under Elena’s guidance, I reversed PCOS, low progesterone, hypothyroidism, pre-diabetes, and high cholesterol, along with over 25 additional symptoms.

I am happy I took the leap of faith.



DISCLAIMER: Results may vary from person to person and are not guaranteed. You have to apply the strategies we teach if you want to alleviate symptoms and lose weight. However, our goal is to help you cut down the learning curve in order to achieve desired results.

Participation in the 360° Life community is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have a serious health condition, be sure to consult with your primary health provider before embarking on implementing the protocol you will find in this guide. 360 Impact Coaching Corp. will not be held accountable for the use or misuse of the information contained in it. We are not doctors or nutritionists and do not claim to be such. We shall not be held liable for the decisions made by readers of this plan or website.

If you are not willing to accept this, please DO NOT sign up.

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