meet Elena
Meet Elena Isoldi Medici – Holistic Master Health & Life Coach.
Before she became what she is today, this is how it all started…
Over 10 years ago, after
Her doctor gave her a couple of prescriptions and sent her on her way, giving her zero hope to heal herself, because he believed that once the damage is done, it is permanent. In his words…he had never seen anyone heal hypothyroidism, and especially a pituitary tumor.
Elena had a slew of symptoms:
- sluggish metabolism
- hormone imbalance
- weight gain
- amenorrhea
- infertility
- brittle nails
- thinning hair
- depression
- pain and stiffness in knees joints, which resulted in anterior knee condition in both knees (a very painful condition)
- skin dryness and other problems
- sensitivity to wearing clothing around the neck
- fatigue
- foggy memory
- low libido
- foggy brain, and more
When she read all possible side effects of two medications she was prescribed, Elena was pretty distraught. That was not the life or the future she imagined for herself.
As the saying goes: “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” Instead of giving up, she spent day and night researching, testing, trying things, and getting health education.
Within 12 months, she got her labs redone. They looked great!
She lost 50 lbs, the symptoms were gone, and…she was back to being her old self – full of energy, happy to throw off the covers in the morning and enjoy the life she was building with her husband.
Shortly after, she also found a way to conceive naturally, and the rest…
…the rest is far from being history. (You can read Elena’s account of her healing journey HERE.)
The rest led her HERE… to helping women around the world to have a shot at similar outcomes.
Elena is a science and health
While working on healing herself, she pursued an
She has been coaching for over a decade.
It was not planned, but the clients she attracted when she posted her first blog post and still attracts today, are women and men who suffer from thyroid and hormone imbalances, autoimmune and digestive disorders. Her calling chose her.
She spends most of her time digging deeper into understanding health, nutrition, neuroscience, mindset, quantum physics, spirituality, and anything that will give our clients as many natural tools as possible to help them overcome their hormone imbalance symptoms.
Now we have coaches who work under Elena’s guidance to deliver these tools into as many hands as possible because the statistics of those who suffer from hormone imbalances are staggering. There is an epidemic. Our goal is to stop it from spreading.
We are here to eradicate thyroid and hormone disorders!
Our clients get amazing outcomes, working hand in hand with us, using a step by step system created by Elena, to achieve amazing outcomes. Most of our clients suffer for years before finding us. Many, as you will hear in our SUCCESS STORIES portal, had given up hope, until they discovered us. We became their “Hail, Mary!”
We work as their advocates, to help them better communicate with their healthcare providers, and define the outcomes they desire for their life and
Master Health & Life Coach
RN, Holistic Nurse Coach
Health Strategist
Customer Relations
It’s a competition of pain out there. The human jungle.
Everyone competes for a piece of your brain’s real estate.
Everyone wants to prove that their methods are the best.
Those who are supposed to help you heal, compete with each other, point fingers, blame, shame…
And…they hurt…
They hurt each other, and ultimately, they hurt you.
But I do not think that divisiveness is achieving of value. Not for you. Not for me. Not for humanity.
Controversy sells. I get it! But I think your life is too important to waste time on controversy and futile arguments over therapies, diets, protocols…
I’ve made it a point to never engage in a futile discourse with practitioners that have different views from mine. I am not here to serve them. My goal has always been and remains to create an amazing service for the hurting world – for YOU! So, regardless of your condition, you might have a chance to heal yourself.
Since I personally experienced the pain of thyroid and hormone disorders, I had decided to focus on working specifically with women and men who struggle with thyroid and autoimmune disorders and hormone imbalances.
An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, goiters, nodules, Grave’s disease, Hashimoto’s.
One in ten women will be diagnosed with PCOS.
Approximately 176 million women in the world are suffering from painful endometriosis.
According to one study, between 70-80% of American women will be diagnosed with fibroid tumors by the age of 50.
Millions of women and men suffer from infertility.
There is much work to be done to help save humanity from this pain.
This is exactly what I’ve been working on for years – helping humanity heal, one person at a time.
If this sounds like a philosophy you want to embrace…then I am here to guide you to your health and wellness dreams.
PS: Let’s get you started by watching my training on HORMONE & THYROID HEALTH below.
Learn the 5 PRIMARY ROOT CAUSES of Thyroid, Hormone, and Autoimmune Disorders.
Filter out the noise and the doubts, and get clarity on what causes your illness and symptoms and what is possible for you to get your health back on track naturally NOW.
In this training, Elena covers root causes of conditions such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto's, Grave's disease, Thyroid Eye Disease, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, Sjogren's, MS, along with other hormone, thyroid, and autoimmune disorders.
to stop suffering and begin thriving