Are you an Ant or a Goldfish? How to Win at Health and Weight Loss
Billions of dollars are lost every year by people who are desperate to lose weight and get healthy. And many more will be lost in the future because most people look for quick fixes and aren’t willing to do the deep work required to achieve health and long-term weight loss.
I’ve coached for over 15 years and found that there are TWO types of people: the ANTS and the GOLDFISH.
The ANT people
The ANTS are the people who take responsibility for their health and weight. They know that, whether knowingly or ignorantly, they were the ones who created the problem that is destroying their bodies.
They also know that unless they change, no matter the program, the coach, or the supplement they try, nothing would work.
They understand that screwing up their health took time, so healing and weight loss will take time too.
They understand the law of cause and effect.
The ANT people put all of their efforts into figuring out what exactly makes them sick and overweight, so they can address those root causes and never be found in the place of sickness again.
Then the ANT people decide on the outcome before committing to the process. They are willing to put in the work and give their efforts time.
If they aren’t capable of DIYing their health and mastering their weight loss goals, they hire coaches, trainers, or mentors to help them get there. They commit to their goals and the process their coaches create for them.
Then, they stick with the process, no matter what. No deviation, no excuses! No premature quitting! Day in and day out, the ANT people show up for themselves. They implement, implement, implement.
These are the people that end up losing a lot of weight, whether it happens fast or slow. These are the ones who end up reversing even the most chronic and scary conditions. You can read their stories here.
Then there are the GOLDFISH people – always in the pursuit of the next big and best thing. Chasing after a magic potion that would give them the body they want without the effort it takes to get it. Not understanding the cause or taking responsibility for their health.
The GOLDFISH people do WANT to get well. They even believe that they are doing whatever it takes to lose weight and reverse their symptoms. But they focus on external quick fixes – medications, supplements, surgeries, weight loss programs that promise quick outcomes; fitness routines that tout to help them lose 10 lbs. of weight in two weeks by spending only 10 minutes a day on exercise.
These people LOVE the idea of getting well and slim, but, as in the proverbial passage from the Bible goes, their commitment to their health and weight loss is like the seed that falls on rocky soil or among weeds… There is too much noise in their headspace, no follow-through or commitment, so…their efforts never bear fruit. They simply have no chance to, because the GOLDFISH people give up as quickly as they get excited about a new shiny protocol the moment they don’t see the results they hoped for.
They blame the programs, supplements, doctors, and coaches for lack of their results. Then they move on to the next big promise and repeat this cycle.
I’ve met a good number of GOLDFISH during my years of coaching. The internet is the graveyard of the stories of their attempts and failures.
In the end, the ANTS get results and the GOLDFISH keep searching for their magic pill.
Which category do you fit in, Friend?
Are you looking for microwave results? Ready to jump ship even with the best of programs and coaches on your side?
Or are you ready to do the work and:
- uncover the root causes of your weight gain and health issues
- create a plan to address each one
- stay committed
- never give up, and maybe
- get a qualified expert to help you expedite this process?
Brutal, I know. But that’s why people pay the big bucks to work with me and the reason we achieve over 95% success rate with our clients.
After years of working with ANTS and GOLDFISH, I now handpick my clients. I choose ANT people every single time. Now, I am human, so, every now and then a GOLDFISH sneaks through, but overall, I weed them out before saying I DOs and taking them into my program.
What makes my clients so successful is that they know not to look to external sources, such as supplements, medications*, surgeries* or quick 21-day weight loss plans that promise quick results for their health. Instead, we show them how to look on the INSIDE to see what made and kept them sick. They make 100% commitment to their success. No excuses! No flaking out. No shortcuts. Because they know that NO ONE can save them unless they are willing to do the work to save themselves. And then…
They succeed!
If you want to lose weight and reverse chronic conditions such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s disease, Thyroid Eye Disease, endometriosis, PCOS, infertility, etc., you must be willing to hear the hard truth about what made and kept you sick all these years. The truth about why you keep holding onto the weight, regardless of how many programs you’d tried. The truth that might be painful to uncover but is absolutely necessary, so you can be set free.
And here’s an even more brutal truth…
If you’re looking for quick fixes, if you are complaining about how hard getting and being healthy is, you aren’t ready for a healthy and slim body!!!
In fact, subconsciously, you will do everything it takes to keep yourself sick and overweight. No positive change will happen until you are ready to face your biggest challenge – yourself.
But if and you are ready to become like my ANT people, then here are…
- Start by looking over our case studies. See what traits our successful clients have in common. Adopt those traits.
- Uncover the ROOT CAUSES of your health issues. Get help with it, if you don’t know where to start.
- Create a plan to address each one.
- Get support and accountability to see your efforts through. You can start by joining our 360 Life App (see this week’s special trial offer HERE), or schedule a call with us to see if the 360 Impact Health Program is for you.
- Measure your progress by keeping a daily journal of your food, emotions, fitness, sleep, stressors, and mindfulness.
- Take a weekly inventory of your symptoms and progress.
- Celebrate successes, even if they are small wins.
- Be patient – give your efforts time.
- Adjust and course-correct if you fall off the proverbial wagon. Be graceful toward yourself. Then…
Put it on repeat, and you are bound to win!
*I hold to the belief that in acute situations certain medications, and occasional surgeries, might be necessary to preserve lives. However, these methods fail to provide quality life to patients with chronic thyroid illnesses.
Holistic Master Health & Life Coach
P.S. Are you ready for to REVERSE your symptoms and start living your dream life? Here are 3 ways we can help you toward the health you desire:
1. Work with us privately: If you’d like to work directly with me and my team toward eliminating your hormone imbalance symptoms completely, click this link to your SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION CALL, pick the time, and in the appointment form, tell me a little about your current situation and what you’d like to work on together, and then we will see you on the call.
2. Want to test things out on your own first? Get my THYROID & HORMONE DIET and MEAL PLANNER. CLICK HERE
3. Get a Life-Saving Course on 5 Primary Root Causes of Thyroid, Hormone, and Autoimmune Disorders: Learn to identify and address the root causes of your health disorder naturally. CLICK HERE for details and to grab your spot.
to stop suffering and begin thriving