

How Trapped Trauma Can Lead to Thyroid and Autoimmune Disorders

I am willing to bet my top dollar that if you are struggling with a thyroid or an autoimmune disorder, or a hormone imbalance, 99.9% of the time NO MEDICAL OR NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR ever inquired if you have any unresolved (trapped) trauma in your body.

Am I right?

I want to let you know that you are not alone in this. I have worked with thousands of women and men, from over 30 countries, and most feel dumbfounded when I ask them this very question: “Had you ever had trauma in your life?”

Trauma? What does that have to do with my health, Elena?


There are various forms of trauma: physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual. Most women that I worked with had experienced at least one form of these traumas, many – a combination.

Why is it important to know if we had trauma in our lives?

Because trauma alters our genetic expression. It makes our guts more acidic. It parks us at the intersection of stress and anxiety and fight or flight. It suspends our normal biological processes. It keeps us from living our best lives. It makes us sick. And no amount of medications, supplements or therapies can ever help you heal, until and unless you are ready to RESOLVE trapped trauma that stays stored in your bodies.

On today’s podcast, I am taking a deep dive into how trauma destroys your health and the first steps to claiming your freedom from it. When you begin to implement them, your freedom from thyroid and autoimmune disorders is assured.

Are you ready to start healing?

Enjoy the show and then, if you are ready for help, contact us for your complimentary health clarity call to see how I can help you get to your health sooner than later.

How Trapped Trauma Can Lead to Thyroid and Autoimmune Disorders

Loved the podcast? Please be sure to subscribe to THE HEALTH WIZARD show. You can find me on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, Spotify or TuneIn.

And, please, be sure to share it with your friends and on social media.

Holistic Master Health & Life Coach

P.S. Are you ready to REVERSE your symptoms and start living your dream life? Here are 3 ways we can help you toward the health you desire:

1. Work with us privately: If you’d like to work directly with me and my team toward eliminating your hormone imbalance symptoms completely, click this link to your SCHEDULE A HEALTH CONSULTATION, pick the time, and in the appointment form, tell me a little about your current situation and what you’d like to work on together, and then we will see you on the call.

2. Want to test things out on your own first? Get my THYROID & HORMONE DIET and MEAL PLANNER. CLICK HERE

3. Get a Life-Saving Course on 5 Primary Root Causes of Thyroid, Hormone, and Autoimmune Disorders: Learn to identify and address the root causes of your health disorder naturally. CLICK HERE for details and to grab your spot.




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